Section: New Results

Data Stream Mining

Summarizing Uncertain Data Streams

Participants : Reza Akbarinia, Florent Masseglia.

In recent years, there has been a growing interest for probabilistic data management. In [41] , we focus on probabilistic time series where a main characteristic is the high volumes of data, calling for efficient compression techniques. To date, most work on probabilistic data reduction has provided synopses that minimize the error of representation w.r.t. the original data. However, in most cases, the compressed data will be meaningless for usual queries involving aggregation operators such as SUM or AVG. We propose PHA (Probabilistic Histogram Aggregation), a compression technique whose objective is to minimize the error of such queries over compressed probabilistic data. We incorporate the aggregation operator given by the end-user directly in the compression technique, and obtain much lower error in the long term. We also adopt a global error aware strategy in order to manage large sets of probabilistic time series, where the available memory is carefully balanced between the series, according to their individual variability.

An Anti-Bouncing Data Stream Model

Participant : Florent Masseglia.

Usage mining is a significant research area with applications in various fields. However, Web usage data is usually considered streaming, due to its high volumes and rates. Because of these characteristics, we only have access, at any point in time, to a small fraction of the stream. When the data is observed through such a limited window, it is challenging to give a reliable description of the recent usage data. In [28] we show that data intralinkings, i.e., a usage record (event) may be associated with other records (events) in the same dataset, are common for Web usage streams. Therefore, in order to have a more authentic grasp of Web usage behaviors, the corresponding data stream models for Web usage streams should be able to process such intralinkings. We study the important consequences of the constraints and intralinkings, through the “bounce rate” problem and the clustering of usage streams. Then we propose the user-centric ABS (the Anti-Bouncing Stream) model which combines the advantages of previous models but avoids their drawbacks. First, ABS is the first data stream model that is able to seize the intralinkings between the Web usage records. It is also the first user-centric data stream model that can associate the usage records for the users in the Web usage streams. Second, owing to its simple but effective management principle, the data in ABS is available at any time for analysis. Under the same resource constraints as existing models in the literature, ABS can better model the recent data. Third, ABS can better measure the bounce rates for Web usage streams. We demonstrate its superiority through a theoretical study and experiments on two real-world data sets.

Autonomic Intrusion Detection: Adaptively Detecting Anomalies over Unlabeled Audit Data Streams

Participant : Florent Masseglia.

In [27] , we propose a novel framework of autonomic intrusion detection that fulfills online and adaptive intrusion detection over unlabeled HTTP traffic streams in computer networks. The framework holds potential for self-managing: self-labeling, self-updating and self-adapting. Our framework employs the Affinity Propagation (AP) algorithm to learn a subject's behaviors through dynamical clustering of the streaming data. It automatically labels the data and adapts to normal behavior changes while identifying anomalies. Two large real HTTP traffic streams collected in our institute as well as a set of benchmark KDD'99 data are used to validate the framework and the method. The test results show that the autonomic model achieves better results in terms of effectiveness and efficiency compared to adaptive Sequential Karhunen-Loeve method and static AP as well as three other static anomaly detection methods, namely k-NN, PCA and SVM.